I spent a huge amount of time considering how to do this right - it's the bit I'm going to be looking at most when I drive the car, so I want it to look good and do the job it's meant to do, and ideally look like something that TVR could have made themselves. It took many iterations to arrive at a design I was happy with; the main issue being the small analogue dials at the bottom of the decal. The two motor hubs are offset from the centre, so if I were to draw an actual semi circle gauge around them, I would end up with an extended circle which looked very odd indeed. The solution was to angle each dash mark toward the real centrepoint of the circle rather than the motor hub, and to stretch the circle into an ellipse. The exact dimensions of the ellipse took forever to get right, so the dial "looks" like a circle as you feel it should be, but the needle doesn't look wrong travelling on a circular track and thus changing its distance to each mark on the dial. ...
A chronicle of projects and ideas to supplement my hazy memory.