It's been a little while since I last wrote a blog, but unfortunately any spare time lately has been spent trying to move the project a little further on. I think last time I had just started looking at Autodesk Eagle and found it to be quite un-intuitive but managed to glean enough from the internet to get moving. So eagle is a program which does a couple of things (that I've discovered so far). The first use is for designing nice legible electronic schematics, using real life components that can be pulled from an internal library - which can be expanded via the internet to pretty much anything you can buy, and that which you can't can be created by hand. It's pretty easy to use once you've understood the basics and took me right back to my school electronics classes with resistors and LEDs, kind of fun even! My first problem came when I realised that the servo motor I wanted to use was not available anywhere online - in fact the units themselves seem ...
A chronicle of projects and ideas to supplement my hazy memory.