After much research, I managed to track down the Arduino source code from the example project that sparked my interest. It wasn't complete, but it at least gave me some insight into how it is supposed to work. Having coded visual basic to a reasonable level the coding didn't scare me too much, but the language was quite foreign, so it took a bit of time to figure out how to talk to it. To help me understand, I purchased a couple of pre-made projects from One was a CAN bus reader, the other a CAN bus emulator - the plan was to emulate a CAN bus signal, and then write my own code based on the source code I already had to replace that on the reader. Once I had a working model, I could build out from there and add functionality. This took quite a while, and a lot of failing and error messages until finally after about a week I got something to compile. Within a few more attempts I actually got it to work; reading a CAN signal, and displaying it on the OLED di...
A chronicle of projects and ideas to supplement my hazy memory.